Apart from publishing academic papers, I am passionate about sharing knowledge and practical insights with the wider community. I believe that research can have a broader impact when complemented by open-source projects and technical blogs.
- Implementation of Glow. My implementation of the Glow model in pytorch.
- EDM. State-of-the-art diffusion model implementation.
- Deep learning notebooks. A comprehensive guide that provides clear instructions for implementing various deep learning models.
- Build GPT2. Karpathy’s step by step implementation of the GPT2 model. A good way to learn how to build a project from scratch.
Technical Blog
- A introduction to flow matching. High level ideas on flow matching and stochastic interpolants.
- Step-by-Step Diffusion: An Elementary Tutorial. A beginner’s guide to diffusion models, where the authors start from an ODE perspective and exclude all stochastic elements of diffusion models.
- Deep learning tuning playbook. Tricks for doing deep learning projects.
- Learn git branching. This website helps you learn git by visualize your git commands.
- Trouble shooting for installing cuda toolkit on a server that you do not have a sudo access.
- Flow matching guide and code.
- Diffusion meets flow matching.
- A Unified Framework for Diffusion Models.
- A Path to Human-preferred One-step Text-to-image Generative Models.
- Data Ownership and Machine Unlearning.
- Generative Modeling meets Optimal Transport. Talk from NeurIPS2024.
- A Tutorial of Transformers.
- How to learn diffusion models. A list of papers I created for learning diffusion models and the follow-up ODE-based generative models.
- 10 easy ways to fail a Ph.D..
- Writing Personal Statement for graduate school applications (From a professor’s perspective)
- Writing Personal Statement for graduate school applications (With annotated examples)